Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kodak Imaging Rebates Now: Productivity Gains in 2012

Time is running out for juicy rebates on Kodak document scanners and Kodak Capture Pro software upgrades and new purchases.

You know how it works: You get the best deals now in Q4, then the deals disappear next summer. Sure, you could wait but wouldn't this be a great time to harness Kodak technology and Image Express expertise for major productivity gains in 2012?

Here's the deal:

Scanners: get $250 to $7,000 off
Capture Pro: get $150 to $1,350 off

We'd link to more information on Capture Pro but the rebate structure is so complex, you'd need a doctorate in Kodak-ology to figure it out. Fortunately, we have such a thing... And did we mention Kodak Capture (non-Pro) will no longer be supported in 2012? It's time to upgrade.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

Friday, December 16, 2011

Document Management & Workflow - Taking Your Business to the Next Level

Managers and business owners are constantly searching for quick-fixes and easy ways to increase productivity and efficiency in the office. Given the current economic climate and competitive nature of doing business in a fast-paced society, it's clear everyone is looking to get things done faster while using less resources.  Workflow Solutions are the most powerful tools for tightening the screws and making sure your business runs like a finely tuned machine.  If your organization is not utilizing these cost-effective solutions, it is not operating as efficient as it should be.

Take this as an official challenge from us at Image Express - the first step to getting your business off to its best start in 2012 is to implement a Document Management system with built in Workflow. This will allow for a decrease in your paper volume (more office space), an increase in employee efficiency (higher revenue), as well as much more security regarding your business information (legal compliance).

Clients that work with us in developing these solutions have recognized an ROI in as little as 6 months - so what are you waiting for?


Monday, December 5, 2011

Scanner Trade-In Deals

Recognize a need to update your scanning equipment? Make sure you take a look at our Trade-In program to get some value out of your old equipment. http://www.imageexpressinc.com/pages/scanner_trade-ins.html