Wednesday, June 13, 2012

NASA Saving Millions -- You Can Too

A recent article from provides us with some free advertising regarding the value and ROI brought about from our cloud based solutions. According to the CIO of NASA - Linda Cureton - the agency is saving roughly $1 million per year since switching their IT infrastructure to the cloud.


Working in the industry and providing our customers with similar cloud based solutions has given us a front row seat in watching what the cloud can do for businesses and organizations looking to up the efficiency in their information management. While many businesses out there still remain skeptical and refuse to take advantage of these solutions, it is without question that they are falling behind. With the increase in evaluations coming out like this one from NASA, it becomes more and more obvious that in order to keep up with the competition your organization must first keep up with technology.

Monday, June 4, 2012

KODAK Capture Pro Software Overview

This is a great video that provides an excellent overview of our favorite capture software.

We use Kodak Capture Pro as our primary document capture solution in both our own office environment as well as in our service bureau when scanning for our customers. If you are serious about implementing a fully-automated imaging solution, Capture Pro provides the best platform for capturing your data and getting you on the right path towards Paper Freedom.

If you are interested in learning more about how Kodak Capture Pro can help take your office to the next level of automation, either check us out online or give us a call and we'd be happy to help.
