We've addressed Networked Scanners in previous posts as they have been a great addition when it comes to document imaging. For how connected these machines are to your network, they are very easy to use which makes many of our friends with Ph.D's happy. Especially when it comes to smaller practices which don't have the luxery of an IT department, it is important when transitioning to EMR's that the process be quick, efficient, and - obviously - compliant. Scanning is often the most labor intensive phase of converting to EMR's, which is why Networked Scanners provide such a great it for the smaller guys.
Despite the fact that scanning requires most of the work, the solution dictating where these files are stored must be compliant and easy to use for EMR's to be effective. Enter Inofile's ChartMD - the batch scanning feature allows pactices to scan and index an entire chart room on demand. Because the networked scanners have built in keyboards and touch screens, the files can be scanned, indexed, and stored in a very efficient manner. www.imageexpressinc.com
To learn more about this bundled package, or to explore further options regarding your organization's imaging solutions, give us a call and we'd be happy to provide you with a free consultation and product demo.