Friday, February 27, 2015

AnyDoc Capture Software: Helping to Streamline Everyday Business Processes

"We need to speed up this processes, entering this data by hand is very time consuming and we are limiting our resources". We hear this all the time, and from a wide range of clients. Any business process that deals with manually entering and distributing information (paper forms, faxes, emails, etc.) can be – at some level – automated. Of course these processes vary significantly from company to company, however the primary tool for the job of automation remains the same: capture software. Document capture software is the application which can reduce the amount of human interaction in retaining critical business data from incoming sources such as HR files, medical records, student transcripts, and, everyone’s favorite – invoices/accounting files. Streamlining everyday business processes has become an essential factor in delivering cost-savings and bringing productivity to the highest level within organizations. We work with several different capture software products, however when it comes to advanced capture and AP automation, OnBase’s AnyDoc is our go to.

AnyDoc is an extremely robust and powerful solution that allows for automatic indexing and classification of documents, which directs that information to its proper location. Sorting through data and finding files should no longer be a time consuming effort. Having data validated, stored securely, and readily available for use as soon as possible is how efficiency and optimization come about - and these are not tasks your employees should be set upon. Employees are hired for their unique skills and abilities to make decisions that build the business and maximize profits, not for menial jobs such as indexing and storing files. Putting significant personnel efforts towards such jobs is a waste of a company’s money as well as the talents of their workers.

While we seek to streamline various different business processes, the area in which we tend to see the most bang for the buck is in accounting and Invoice processing. Regardless as to how your organization is receiving its invoices, AnyDoc has the power automatically extract and send data to your accouting, ERP, and content management systems. This of course increases the speed of the cycle time, reduces the risk of inaccurate data, and lowers the costs associated with manually processing these forms. Below is a brief video – tailored towards accounts payables – that provides a demonstration on this powerful software tool.

For a complementary product demo to show you how this powerful software tool can provide significant cost savings by streamlining your specific processes, give us a call at 952-906-3022, or visit our website at