According to a study done by the US EPA, the average US
office worker still generates up to 10,000 pages of paper per year. While we
certainly don’t take kindly to killing trees, in our business that number
concerns us less on an environmental standpoint and more with how much money
that amount of paper is costing our customers. In addition, a study done by our
friends at Gartner found it costs on average approximately $20 to file a
document. Furthering that cost, the average document is copied at least nine
times. NINE. While our conversation will eventually lead us to introduce our
document capture and management solutions, the first step in battling the cost
of paper is through document conversion. Given the figures above, the volume of
files a company may be storing can easily rise into the 100,000's, if not
millions. While these files may not need to be accessed frequently (if at all),
they still are required for retention and legal purposes. Many companies may
look at all the files they have in their file cabinets, let alone those kept in
those bankers’ boxes and thrown in the storage closet or warehouse, and
immediately feel overwhelmed. That’s where we come in.
If you haven’t seen what the new production scanners on the
market are capable of, it has gotten pretty ridiculous. With capabilities of
scanning over 200 pages per minute and an unlimited volume for daily use, in an
average work day they can convert over 100,000 images into digital format. In
our service bureau we have a fleet of these scanners specifically assigned for
our customers to outsource their file scanning. Once converted to digital, these documents are indexed exactly how you would search for your documents if they were in a file cabinet. Date, invoice number, customer name – any way you’d like to retrieve these documents on your desktop can be done. Just imagine, all of those bankers boxes and seemingly endless amount of paper taken out in one fell swoop. No more worries about lack of office space, no more worries about misfiled or lost documents, and no more worries of compliance. By allowing us to do the
scanning, companies are able to go about their current operations without allocating resources to take care of these complex tasks.
Getting your critical data stored electronically is fast
becoming one of those “I’ll do it tomorrow” tasks. Today is yesterday’s
tomorrow, and the quicker you decide to tackle this necessary process, the
quicker your company starts saving money. Give us a call today 952-906-3022 and
lets eliminate the paper headache together.
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